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The Absolute Blonde
The greatest 4-D Hair Coloring/Dyeing: Elaborate and playful high-quality designs
5時間5時間The Absolute - Tokyo High-End Hair Salon
An original and masterful technique combining precise highlights, the bold yet graceful balayage, painting in interwoven contrasts of light and shadow, a sophisticated blend of gradient tones unifying the look: the all-in-one perfected craft is The Absolute Blonde hair design. Customizable to achieve your desired level of hair dimensionality and true-to-you color palette. 細かくて繊細なハイライト、大胆で遊び心のあるバレイヤージュ、肌と髪の馴染みをつくる色のグラデーション。その全てが詰まった、まさにAbsolute(絶対的)なヘアカラー。 立体感はもちろん、色味も自在にカスタマイズ。
The Absolute - Tokyo High-End Hair Salon
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